Sunday 25 January 2015

And she's back!

If you've followed me on the Twitter or Facebook machines for awhile, you'll know I've given blogging a go a couple times. Unfortunately my last attempt was rather cut short due to becoming ill. I couldn't keep up with life, let alone anything else.

However I always missed blogging, and now I'm ready to really start properly. I want this to be a blog by a makeup artist for makeup artists and enthusiasts, as well as beauty blogging and lifestyle blogging. A bit of everything I love really.

I hope that people will enjoy reading it, and will enjoy the journey. I love to write, and I love to blog so this will be a great project.

I will start getting some "proper" posts ready for the week ahead. They'll include a couple reviews, and an event for sure, and see what else comes up!

Until we meet again!

Bethany x

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