Monday 2 February 2015

Healthful Monday: The Start Of Something New

I've decided that on a Monday I will post about health, diet etc. Because in the now immortal words of Meghan Trainor, "yeah it's pretty clear, I aint no size 2". Though to be fair, if I looked her, I'd be fine with that. But alas, I do not. And I am done with being obese. I hate it, I hate feeling this way and I feel ready to change. So one day a week I'll talk about my health journey.

I'm a massive sceptic however and have never followed any fad diets. I don't understand 5:2, and being someone who would if possible be a vegan, I can't go with things like Paleo or Atkins. I've never had a bowl of cabbage soup and I'm okay with this. I had moderate success on Slimming World, but I want to try something new. But as I say, I'm a sceptic. However my best friend has inspired me. I'm sure she won't mind me saying that she has fibromyalgia, which is a nasty illness affecting muscles, nervous system and the like. She started juicing, as well as adopting a healthy, balanced diet. I've seen her transform. Considering what her illness affects, she can now go on long walks with no problems most days and is feeling super healthy. So, because I've seen it actually work with someone I trust isn't making stuff up, I'm going to try it.

I got a second hand juicer off a Facebook group, and after a bit of trial and error, figured out how it works this morning.

So orange. 4 carrots, 3 celery sticks, 1 golden delicious apple, and 1 lemon. According to the internet a good "starter" juice. It would be better without that celery aftertaste.

I did a lot of research before starting this. I didn't go head first without thinking. But, what's the worst that can happen if I don't get on? I get a load of extra vitamins for a bit. 

So my plan is, for the month of February, on weekdays I'll have two juices a day and a healthy dinner. On weekends it'll more likely be one a day, just knowing how my weekends usually go. Hoping even when I'm working to have a juice before going out and work out the second one, either bring it with me for a break or if I'll be back at a reasonable hour, have when I get home. Depends on the job/shoot. The only exception this month is Valentine's Day, but even then I'll try and make sure we do it healthy. 

So yeah, that's happening. It's taken me awhile to write this as I try and drink my juice. Eventually I'll get used to it. But liquid veg and my brain is like "WOAH what is this madness I don't understand!" It's surprisingly filling though, even drinking it slow. So that's good. 

Do you/have you juiced? Would you? Let me know in the comments or tweet me or whatever. I'd love to hear more experiences of juicing. 

Until next time,

Bethany x